Projects and Initiatives
on Sustainable Products

Sustainable tourism is more than just avoiding towel changes in the hotel room. It is about responsible travel, openness and respect for destinations travelled to, foreign habitats, people and cultures. The aim of DERTOUR Group is to integrate sustainable aspects in its products and to create authentic holiday experiences that inspire.

That is why DERTOUR Group is committed to holistic tourism that takes account of the social, ecological and economic aspects of the holiday destination in equal measure. It focuses on

  • an economic participation of the population in the destination
  • fair treatment of partners and their employees
  • innovative travel concepts that facilitate cultural exchange and authentic experiences
  • sustainable contributions to animal welfare and nature conservation
  • Enthusiasm for the beauty, but also understanding of the challenges facing the holiday destination

DERTOUR BEWUSST REISEN (Conscious Travel) Product Line

Information trifft Inspiration

For all those who care about responsible travel, the BEWUSST REISEN product line combines sustainable travel products from the DERTOUR brand. Since 2021, these have been presented in the DERTOUR BEWUSST REISEN magalogue, a mixture of holiday catalogue and travel magazine – informative and inspirational at the same time.

DERTOUR Bewusst Reisen
  • supporting sustainable travel management
  • strengthening the local community
  • preserving the cultural heritage
  • minimising the ecological footprint with sustainable holidays

DERTOUR BEWUSST Reisen at a Glance

The DERTOUR BEWUSST REISEN magalogue product range comprises hotels within Europe, in destinations around the Mediterranean and in selected long-haul destinations. Exciting stories about the hotels and fascinating photos will spark your interest in getting to know the country and its people, while also supporting sustainable engagement on holiday. All hotels in the product line are certified as sustainable by a standard recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). They stand out due to active sustainability management, reduce their ecological footprint, demonstrate social responsibility and specifically integrate the local community in their activities.

In addition to certified hotels, the DERTOUR BEWUSST REISEN magalogue also includes selected activities and excursions that meet the criteria for responsible tourism in terms of transport, environmental and nature conservation, food as well as social and cultural aspects. Practical tips and suggestions on the topic of responsible travel round off the content.

The DERTOUR BEWUSST REISEN products can be reserved via the travel agencies as well as online at

The plan in 2022 is to develop a comprehensive online Welt BEWUSST REISEN, in which holiday products together with exciting stories on projects and initiatives from the area of commitment of DERTOUR Group and its partners are attractively presented so as to establish the wide range of sustainable and responsible travel products.

Labelling of Sustainable Products

DERTOUR Engage offers orientation

The jungle of travel offers is vast. How do I find the more sustainable holiday of my dreams?

Our aim is to offer a standardised and transparent decision-making aid for all those who want a holiday that is as sustainable as possible. This is why the DERTOUR Group labels hotels that meet the minimum requirements of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria catalogue with the engage logo of a green leaf in the shape of a heart.

All hotels bearing this label are certified to a standard recognised by the GSTC and are constantly working to achieve their ambitious sustainability goals. This provides a globally recognised minimum standard for all those who want to minimise their ecological footprint when travelling. The labelling is gradually being implemented in the catalogues and via a filter function on the online portals of a steadily increasing number of tour operators.

Offers that are not certified according to international standards can also fulfil generally recognised criteria for responsible tourism, such as the DERTOUR tours and excursions mentioned above. They are based on the sustainability criteria of the GSTC. When evaluating the excursions and round trips, various sub-areas were considered, for example locomotion and transport, socio-economic and cultural aspects, environmental protection and nature conservation, as well as catering and culinary offerings. These offers were carefully scrutinised using specially developed tools. More sustainable excursions and round trips are labelled with the bright green leaf in the shape of a heart.

Next goal:

By 2025, 25 per cent of DERTOUR Group’s core portfolio should consist of sustainably certified hotels.

The Wise Dodo - Preserving the Rich Heritage of Mauritius

Mauritius Strand

The enigmatic land bird, the dodo, once lived on Mauritius, but became extinct 300 years ago. DERTOUR Group has now brought it back to life as a symbol for its campaign “The Wise Dodo. Preserve our Island”. Under the sign of the bird, both the DERTOUR and Meiers Weltreisen brands combine authentic travel experiences that focus on the invaluable cultural heritage and diverse flora and fauna while also promoting social and environmentally relevant projects. 

Only those holiday experiences that fulfil six defined sustainability criteria are allowed to bear the name “The Wise Dodo”:

  • Authentic experience
  • Biodiversity & coral health
  • Equal opportunities
  • Waste prevention
  • Resource conservation
  • Inclusion of local communities.

DERTOUR and Meiers Weltreisen committed themselves in Mauritius as pilot partners of the project “Sustainable Island Mauritius (SIM)”, which promotes the development of the island as a sustainable holiday destination. It was launched in 2018 by the Mauritian Tourism Authority (MTA) and the Germany-based Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption (CSCP). As part of the pilot project, tour operators, the hotel industry, politics and destination agencies – led by the Mautourco agency in which DERTOUR Group has a stake – cooperated in an unprecedented way. As regards content, the focus was on enhancing the positive impact of tourism, the so-called hand print, and reducing its negative effects, the ecological footprint, at the same time.

Once the pilot phase is complete, tours under the sign of the Wise Dodo will continue to provide DERTOUR Group customers with exciting moments. The tours with the Wise Dodo can also be booked in combination with certified hotels from the DERTOUR Group portfolio. Together, this will create a holiday that will create a lasting impression.

The Wise Dodo Logo
Sustainable island Mauritius Logo

On a Journey of Discovery with the Wise Dodo

“Natir” is the Creole word for nature and originality. The eco-tour that shares its name takes participants to the small island of Île aux Aigrettes, which is listed as a nature reserve thanks to its special biodiversity. You can’t help but be amazed by a visit to the turtle rehabilitation centre: a project supported by the DER Touristik Foundation. Back on Mauritius, traditional flair beckons at Mahebourg market. A crash course teaches the art of fishing net knotting. A special highlight is a meal with a local family.

The full-day tour “Letan Lontemps” is a small journey into the past: Chamarel with its seven-coloured earth is also on the programme, as is the Bel Hombre biosphere reserve, an insight into the art of coffee roasting and an upcycling project. In the ebony forest, participants plant a tree with their own hands and therefore contribute to renaturation.

Artists and artisans are at the heart of the half-day excursion “Nou Artizan”. At the workshop with the women’s initiative, palm and coconut fibres are processed. The income from this project enables women to improve their income and the educational opportunities of their children. Another ray of hope for both locals and tour participants is the private initiative “Abaim”, which cares for vulnerable children and families. The home-made rhythm instruments of the Ravanne and Maravann farmers ring out at the end of the tour.

Schildkrötenschutz Mauritius

On a Journey of Discovery with the Wise Dodo

“Natir” is the Creole word for nature and originality. The eco-tour that shares its name takes participants to the small island of Île aux Aigrettes, which is listed as a nature reserve thanks to its special biodiversity. You can’t help but be amazed by a visit to the turtle rehabilitation centre: a project supported by the DER Touristik Foundation. Back on Mauritius, traditional flair beckons at Mahebourg market. A crash course teaches the art of fishing net knotting. A special highlight is a meal with a local family.

The full-day tour “Letan Lontemps” is a small journey into the past: Chamarel with its seven-coloured earth is also on the programme, as is the Bel Hombre biosphere reserve, an insight into the art of coffee roasting and an upcycling project. In the ebony forest, participants plant a tree with their own hands and therefore contribute to renaturation.

Artists and artisans are at the heart of the half-day excursion “Nou Artizan”. At the workshop with the women’s initiative, palm and coconut fibres are processed. The income from this project enables women to improve their income and the educational opportunities of their children. Another ray of hope for both locals and tour participants is the private initiative “Abaim”, which cares for vulnerable children and families. The home-made rhythm instruments of the Ravanne and Maravann farmers ring out at the end of the tour.

Schildkrötenschutz Mauritius